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Free Webinar: Introduction to IoT and ThingsLog data loggers

If you need to keep an eye on your facility, but can’t always be on-site, join us for this free 30-minute webinar about the ThingsLog data loggers. Learn how to set and configure them! 

What will be covered?

Specific topics to be covered include:

  • Introduction to IoT and data loggers
  • Perform basic configuration of a ThingsLog data logger
  • Connect ThingsLog data logger to the mobile network
  • Perform remote configuration of a ThingsLog data logger

Who might benefit?

  • Utility engineers that need to choose certain model of remote data logger
  • System integrators that would like to learn how to set and configure their data logger
  • Facility managers and end customers that would like to learn how they can monitor their consumption of water, gas, electricity
  • Proffesionals that need to monitor level, pressure or temperature in their environments

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 2 PM UTC

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